Ljubjana – objective data
The capital of the Republic of Slovenia, a European member state since 2004
Area: 273 km2
Longitude: 14°30'30'' E
Area: 273 km2
Longitude: 14°30'30'' E
Latitude: 46°03'20'' N
Height above sea level: 298 m
Length of the City of Ljubljana boundary: 137.280 m
Number of residents (1 January 2011): 280.140
Number of students 2009/10: 38,650 (source: Ljubljana University)
Economically active share of the population 2010: 64.5%
Number of unemployed July 2011: 13.765
Average monthly net salary June 2011: €1.119,57
Time zone: GMT + 1/ summer GMT + 2
Postal code: 1000
Ljubljana's climate is oceanic, bordering on a humid subtropical climate with continental characteristics such as warm summers and moderately cold winters. July and August are the warmest months with daily highs generally between 25 and 30°C, and January is the coldest month with the temperatures mostly oscillating around 0°C.
Average temperature – January 2010: -1.5° C
Average temperature – July 2010: 22.9° C
Ljubljana's climate is oceanic, bordering on a humid subtropical climate with continental characteristics such as warm summers and moderately cold winters. July and August are the warmest months with daily highs generally between 25 and 30°C, and January is the coldest month with the temperatures mostly oscillating around 0°C.